Больше информации по резюме будет доступно после регистрации



Мужчина, 48 лет, родился 1 февраля 1977

Гянджа, не готов к переезду, готов к командировкам

Директор отделов: Продаж, Маркетинга, Снабжения и Логистики, Sales-Procurement-Logistic Manager

3 000  на руки

  • Менеджер по закупкам

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа

Опыт работы 10 лет

Август 2016Декабрь 2016
5 месяцев
"Matanat-A" Group of companies

Химическое производство, удобрения... Показать еще

Вице-президент по управлению цепями поставок
Август 2011Декабрь 2014
3 года 5 месяцев
Det.Al Aluminium

Гянджа, www.detalholding.az/az/

Металлургия, металлообработка... Показать еще

Управляющий (менеджер) складского хозяйства
Проектирование и создание складского хозяйства крупного металлургического предприятия с нуля, внедрение технологических схем управления, введение электронных баз данных, управление персоналом, организация ведения товарооборота ( поставок и продаж и тд) , организация участков погрузочно-разгрузочных работ, организация учета непосредственно на разных производственных циклах _________________________________________________________________ Managing • Creating the Warehouse system. • Creating Warehouse structure • Organize the stock places by product category • Creating the procedure of goods receiving, registration, and shipping, • Creating goods catalogue and code system by category • Implementation of electronic database and special stock software (AccPack, 1C, Logo, Unity and etc.) • Training of the operators for working with this system. • Hiring the employers • Training of employers (have 6 storeman and more than 40 other empl) • Supports good working mutual relations in labor collective. • Develops offers on perfection of organizational and personnel structure of Division, action for professional development of employees, increase of their motivation. • Make work under the prevention of plunders by employees of Division. • Provides a mode of preservation of a trade secret with employees of Division. • Organize the communication with the Production field • Organize current interaction of the Division with other Divisions entering into Commercial service, and with the Divisions entering into Services of General, Financial and Executive directors. • Make optimization of a warehouse daily work (frequency of orders, the size of the order, the order moment, define minimum stock quantity) taking into account changes of consumer demand, seasonal fluctuations, deadlines of realization, a situation in manufacture, and also other necessary factors. • Carries out preparation of all forms of Division reports, supervises correctness of data containing in them, confirms (vises) their reliability. • Provides the appropriate account, conducting and documentation storage in the Division (databases, contracts, powers of attorney etc.). Warehouse controlling • Creation of necessary industrial stocks based on definition of requirements for material resources (raw materials, materials, half-finished products, the equipment, completing products, fuel, energy, etc.) with use of progressive norms of the expense. • Supervises a condition of warehouse stocks on all base groups (chemicals, heavy techniques, oils, fuels, safety, pipes, and pumps, electrical.) • Supervises over working out of specifications of industrial (warehouse) stocks of material resources. • Provides the control over a condition of stocks of materials and completing products, operative regulation of industrial stocks at the enterprise, observance of limits on delivery of material resources and their expenditure in Divisions of the enterprise for direct appointment. • Supervises over working out and introduction of actions for increase of efficiency of use of material resources, to decrease in the expenses connected with their transportation and storage, use of secondary resources and production wastes, perfection monitoring system for their expenditure, use of local resources, to revealing and realization of excessive raw materials, materials, the equipment and other kinds of material resources. • Organize work of a warehouse economy, takes measures on observance of necessary conditions of storage. • Provides high level of mechanization and automation of transport-warehouse operations, applications of computer systems and standard conditions of the organization and a labor safety. • Organize the account of movement of material resources at the warehouse enterprises, takes part in carrying out of inventory of material assets.
Май 2009Август 2011
2 года 4 месяца
Azerbaijan International Mining Company


Металлургия, металлообработка... Показать еще

Procurement and Warehouse manager
Проектирование и организация работы отдела снабжения. Работа с кадрами. Поиск и работа с внутренними и международными поставщиками. Организация координированной работы с производством. Внедрение и использование электронных (технологических) решений в работе отдела закупок. Проектирование и создание складского хозяйства предприятия с нуля, внедрение технологических схем управления, введение электронных баз данных, управление персоналом, организация ведения товарооборота ( поставок и продаж и тд) , организация участков погрузочно-разгрузочных работ, организация учета непосредственно на разных производственных циклах _____________________________________________________________ Managing • Manage work of Division, distributes among managers of Division responsibility for certain commodity groups and for additional directions of work. • Defines an order and procedure of purchasing, criteria and norms of carrying out of transactions on purchase, defines and co-ordinates a procedure of payments with Suppliers. • Make optimization of a purchasing policy (frequency of orders, the size of the order, the order moment, define minimum stock quantity) taking into account changes of consumer demand, seasonal fluctuations, deadlines of realization, a situation in manufacture, and also other necessary factors. • Constantly prepares alternative variants less затратных and more profitable purchases. • Organize current interaction of the Division with other Divisions entering into Commercial service, and also with the Divisions entering into Services of General, Financial and Executive directors. • Estimates forms of expenses of Division, guarantees correctness of data containing in them, and also the control over their execution. • Carries out preparation of all forms of Division reports, supervises correctness of data containing in them, confirms (vises) their reliability. • Provides the appropriate account, conducting and documentation storage in the Division (databases, contracts, powers of attorney etc.). • Provides timely execution by all employees of Division of orders published at the Enterprise, orders, instructions etc. • Supports good working mutual relations in labor collective. • Develops offers on perfection of organizational and personnel structure of Division, action for professional development of employees, increase of their motivation. • Make work under the prevention of plunders by employees of Division. • Provides a mode of preservation of a trade secret with employees of Division. Purchase process controlling • Organize maintenance of production with all material resources necessary for its industrial activity in demanded quality and their rational use for the purpose of reduction of production costs and reception of the maximum profit. • Supervises over working out for projects of perspective and current plans and balances of material support of the production program. • Supervises repair-operational needs of the enterprise and its Divisions • Finds sources of a covering of requirements by using of internal resources. • Provides delivery of material resources according to the terms provided in contracts, the control of their quantity, quality and completeness and storage in enterprise warehouses. • Studies the marketing information, offers and advertising materials for the purpose of revealing of stead new suppliers groups. • Supervises and provides preparation of the conclusion of contracts with manufacturers and Suppliers, the coordination of conditions and terms of deliveries, studies possibility and expediency of cooperation of our Company with other Enterprises and the organizations for reception of more favorable conditions of purchase. • Watches for granting to the Enterprise the most favorable conditions for payment. • Makes the decisions on necessary changes in Company working conditions with concrete Suppliers (on necessary discounts, changes of the entrance prices, conditions of payment, delivery, packing and so on), and also decisions on the sizes of the further purchases or on their possible termination. • Organize attitudinizing work with Manufacturers and Suppliers at infringement of treaty obligations by them, supervises carrying out of calculations under these claims, co-ordinates with them changes of conditions of the concluded contracts. • Together with Financial service will organize mutual settlement with Suppliers, controlling a condition of creditor debts of the Enterprise which have arisen in connection with purchases of the goods. • Develop together with financial service the weekly schedule of payments to Suppliers of the Enterprise. • Carries out the regular analysis of statistics on commodity groups and separate commodity positions, defines profitable, not profitable and unprofitable groups of the goods, and provides updating of a purchasing policy by results of such analysis. Warehouse controlling • Creation of necessary industrial stocks based on definition of requirements for material resources (raw materials, materials, half-finished products, the equipment, completing products, fuel, energy, etc.) with use of progressive norms of the expense. • Supervises a condition of warehouse stocks on all base groups (chemicals, heavy techniques, oils, fuels, safety, pipes, and pumps, electrical.) • Supervises over working out of specifications of industrial (warehouse) stocks of material resources. • Provides the control over a condition of stocks of materials and completing products, operative regulation of industrial stocks at the enterprise, observance of limits on delivery of material resources and their expenditure in Divisions of the enterprise for direct appointment. • Supervises over working out and introduction of actions for increase of efficiency of use of material resources, to decrease in the expenses connected with their transportation and storage, use of secondary resources and production wastes, perfection monitoring system for their expenditure, use of local resources, to revealing and realization of excessive raw materials, materials, the equipment and other kinds of material resources. • Organize work of a warehouse economy, takes measures on observance of necessary conditions of storage. • Provides high level of mechanization and automation of transport-warehouse operations, applications of computer systems and standard conditions of the organization and a labor safety. • Organize the account of movement of material resources at the warehouse enterprises, takes part in carrying out of inventory of material assets.
Июнь 2008Май 2009
1 год


Управление многопрофильными активами... Показать еще

Директор отдела снабжения
Руководитель отдела снабжения по проекту Дашкенского Горно Обогатительного комбината Проектирование и организация работы отдела снабжения. Работа с кадрами. Поиск и работа с внутренними и международными поставщиками. Организация координированной работы с производством. Внедрение и использование электронных (технологических) решений в работе отдела закупок. ______________________________________________________________ Procurement specialist by the DFS project (Dashkesan Ore Concentration Plant) Major responsibilities: • Procure of heavy engineering equipment. • Analysis of market conditions. • The distribution system analysis. • Distribution of work between subordinates. • Realization of market researches. • Organization or presence on staff meetings. • Working out of procedures and a policy of realization of purchases. • Management and coordination by activity of employees. • Filling of the form of sales order. • Survey of the goods for definition of value and damages. • Definition of a source of purchases. • Administrative management by procedures. • Accounting about operating performance. • Management of material stocks. • Tracing consumer and market tendencies. • Conclusion of contracts. • Placing of delivery orders of materials, raw materials, and the equipment. • Fulfillment of a policy or company programs. • Search of delivery channels • Search of service and the equipment providers • Conduct meetings with suppliers • Adjust sales links abroad • Granting of recommendations about purchase or equipment repair. • Use of technology of estimation at purchase. • Use of methods of the income analysis and costs. • Use of procedure of the account of stock. • Use of knowledge in the field of commercial contracts. • Use of technology of negotiating.
Сентябрь 2000Август 2003
3 года
Синам Инвест


Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Директор (менеджер) отдела продаж и закупок
Working in cooperation with the Managers of other departments as part of the management team. Assist in the recruitment and hiring of the most qualified applicants to meet the department’s needs. Responsible for the day-to-day sales activity in the Sales Department. Responsibilities includes: staffing, scheduling, merchandising, inventory, and price changes. Ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction. Major responsibilities: 1.Operations Management of the Sales Department: • Organization of structure of Sales department • Conduct orientation, train, coach, develop and manage sales associates in execution of daily tasks • Ensure all company policies, procedures and work practices are communicated and in place. • Distribution of duties and clients among sales associates of the department. • Follow up and closely monitor all current prospects. • Ensure timely reporting in line with reporting requirements to the Top Management. • Facilitate proper communication between management and associates. • Business Plan preparation and implementation. 2. Managing Sales Activity of the Sales Department: • Search of new commodity markets, i.e. attraction of interest of potential clients by the offer of products and services on mutually advantageous conditions. • The organization and realization of marketing programs on studying demand in the market and to promotion new product • Promotion of products and decisions of conducting world equipment and software manufacturers such, as Cisco, AVAYA, Lucent Tech., Motorola, Pair Gain, IBM, HP, Fujitsu-Siemens, Compaq, Targa, Oracle, Novell. • Work closely with the vendors. • Gather merchandise for transfers, debits/damages, returns-to-vendor, and charge-backs. • Maintain adequate inventory to support sales promotions. • Oversee proper pricing of merchandise and ensure all price changes are made. • Provide and inspire outstanding service to our customers. 3. Working with Large and Corporate Accounts ( projects and tenders ) • Studying inquiry of the Customer. • Development of the optimum decision. Working closely with technical specialists of the company in order to provide the best solution to the customer. • Drawing up tender offers according of the technical specification. • Calculation of cost of the project or the tender • Preparation of the accompanying documents necessary for delivery tender offer. • Receiving order acknowledgement from the customer. Final contract negotiations with the customer. • Place an order with the vendor. Follow up delivery of the goods to customer within time frame quoted. • Maintenance of service, guarantee and a post of warranty service, both in a case with corporate clients, and with physical persons. • Submitting monthly report of Sales Activity. 4. Logistics ( additional responsibilities ) • Drawing up of orders for the Supplier. • The Organization of delivery of the equipment • Preparation of necessary documents as custom declaration and etc. • Follow up all customs procedures and on time delivery to office warehouse.


Уровни владения навыками
1С: Управление Закупками
Автоматизация процессов управления персоналом
Административное управление
Анализ продаж
Корпоративное управление
Корпоративные продажи
Оптимизация закупок
Организация работы
Планирование закупок
Системы управления баз данных
Складской Учет
Управление продажами
Управление эффективностью
Учет материалов

Высшее образование

Академия Государственного управления при Президенте Азербайджана
Международные отношения, Международные отношения
Академия Государственного управления при Президенте Азербайджана
Международные отношения, Международные отношения

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

ТурецкийC1 — Продвинутый

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Азербайджан

Разрешение на работу: Азербайджан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения